About Stand Upright:

Still the best VR Battle Royale game. If you prefer your Battle Royales more like Fortnite, you might prefer Population: One. If you’re more of a PUBG fan, this is the one to play. Pretty crappy graphics and a few bugs here and there (mostly to do with vehicles), but gun mechanics and gameplay are simply the best. A graphics overhaul and some bug fixes would make this one of the best VR games out there. Deserves more players, but reasonable bots always keep the game active so you never have to wait long for a round to start (max 5 mins), and you can still run around the island and use the guns while you wait. You can take to the air in a balloon and shoot at people and even set off a nuke, what more do you want? Not sure why all of the negative reviews. Al of us playing online are having a lot of fun. There are some big mouths. There are also those that have over 1,000 hours in to the game which doesn’t give new players a chance to survive. Overall, greatly optimized game….runs very smooth, and we only have a GTX 1050Ti 4GB GPU & i58300 CPU. I wish I could say the same for these developer’s other game GangV, which is still very unplayable with HTC Vive, despite their claims and attempts to smooth out the lagging with RAM minimization. i just dont understand where the support from the devs went……. i think this and war dust could of been the stand out BR and Batttlefield go to games for VR. VR scene as awhole really dropped the ball on this chance to make something standard for all VR Players, and that goes for all the Hardware companys and the MILLIONS they have poured into those headSETS and there minor upgrades fov RESOLUTION and so on and so on…….what a fail to the consumer cause of there hidden agenda……trust me i don’t understand valve and facebook samsung and all those other companys that looked to dominate and be that sony xbox nintendo dominating hardware THAT KNOWS its that or NOTHING for the consumer BUT WAIT there more big business corporate use? yeh that will be another bump in the road…………but hey it only takes a little understanding of what VR is for. greed has shown us that we could loose VR gaming and consumer software that could be SOOO much more, honestly SAMSUNG SONY MMICROSOFT FACEBOOK UMM WHATEVA, your greedy and what is worse? obliviously theres SO much more to it and that MICROSOFT nailed it and well YAY BILLIONS AND BILLIONS for Microsoft ………..YEP Microsoft nailed a military contract for the US army to make AR/VR apart of there war machine…………. oh and what is it the best? oh well im sure the tech race for VR AND AR for all the armys in the world are going…….to MAKE TRILLIONS AND KILL AND MAINE MANY. i dont care really will never really know . it really sucks and really shows we lost soo much support i dunno i almost wanna just go on strike and show those TECH giants is just ISNT F*&^*D GOOD ENOUGH mixed reality is a joke and facebooks quest spying and the way the game markets are set up, is just a cruel joke that obviously they made to really screw us over and slow us down for what $$$ they could milk and make up excuse’s to tell us that VR is going nowhere and all advancements are strictly going to be CONTROLLED BY THE US GOVERNMENT AS ADVANCEMENTS could land in enemy hands. no joke VR will never reach what it SHOULD of already started to crack. and thats connecting the world to each other with no boarders no laws no control NO RICH powerful loosers that need $$$$ before peace and love whateva and now there making us follow like ants…… heres a question: has the consumer market come close to that of the US armys CONTRACT earnings? and here i’ll end this rant with a lil SOMETHING FOR BILL GATES YEH and all that show us why there donations and HELP to those ineed is just a JOKE and honestly BILL with all those AIDS vaccines and WHATEVER you fund to help AFRICA. im SURE that VR AR TECH WILL TAKE OUT and KILL and DESTROY all you have accomplished and that when you stand up to take another FUNCTION and BOW to those fund raising loosers you get to donate and believe that they make the world a better blace and are proud to be apart of your excuse to justify controlling SUCH WEALTH PFFT i pitty your needs and greed and know that those that control vast wealth are just making our society a failure to generations to come im sure that your advancements will KEEP a battalion of drones or targeting systems in operation to fuel the war on terror and CHINA until you die. Well done mate. bill can i ask what your wife thinks in regards to this contract ? there will be blood on her hands and yours….. lets see the NEW report this to the general public…… anyway… stand out? great game for what it had to be

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